The Asset Management technical discipline involves research and development of decision tools and management practices to assist Main Roads and Local Government in Western Australia with effectively monitoring asset performance and managing WA’s road infrastructure network to achieve the best whole-of-life outcomes for the community.
Asset Management research and development efforts include:
- Improving reliability of decision making;
- Developing maintenance and asset management strategies;
- Enhancing long-term pavement performance;
- Advancing pavement management systems; and
- Generating local road solutions.
The WARRIP Asset Management technical discipline has assisted Main Roads in the development and application of innovative asset management
systems and processes. Asset Management projects have delivered numerous benefits to WA including:
- Building best practice in asset management based on the ISO 55000 standard;
- Implementing the updated Austroads Guide to Asset Management (GAM);
- Deploying new data collection technology: Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) and applying its outputs;
- Developing improved pavement deterioration models; and
- Updating asset management planning documents and guidelines.
Currently, this technical discipline is focused on best practice asset management and improved decision-making using traffic speed data through
undertaking research projects such as the following:
- Improving decision making and works program development with continuous network strength and condition data;
- Assessing the costs arising from heavy vehicle impacts and developing sustainable fund allocation mechanisms;
- Developing asset preservation case studies and delivering training for practitioners; and
- Optimising strategies for communicating sustainable maintenance funding levels to decision-makers and the community.
Main Roads is committed to continuous improvement and the WARRIP Asset Management technical discipline aims to investigate new strategies
and solutions with an understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by the vast and diverse WA road network.