
LG TRRIP Information
Project Overview
Funding for the Local Government Transport and Road Research and Innovation program (LG TRRIP) was provided in January 2023 with the intent that WALGA would support the delivery of a series of innovation projects, in collaboration with Main Roads and the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB).
The first three sets of documents are now published and available and comprise:
1. Guidelines for Sustainable Road Construction practices for Local Government in WA;
2. Guidelines for the Selection and Implementation of Low-Cost Road Safety Improvements on Rural Roads;
3. A practical guide to timeliness of upgrade (seal) for Local Government Roads.
The research and project guidelines are published in an easy-to-use reference practitioner’s guideline format, including background, approach and application, as well as in a detailed supporting technical report for interested practitioners.
To contribute a project idea or for Western Australian Local Government representatives to indicate their interest in participating in the projects please fill in the following form. https://forms.office.com/r/Q72gNtjdTS